CBML Faculty Members

Joined the College of Engineering in 2000
Current Courses: Cardiac & Vascular Mechanics; Advanvanced Biological Soft Tissue Mechanics; Professional Seminar in Biomedical Engineering
Present Research Interests: Cardiovascular biomechanics; Finite element and geometric modeling; Digital 3D reconstruction; Mechanical testing of biological tissues; Biomechancs of aneurysms and endovascular grafts; Mechanics of biological and engineered soft tissues; Heart valve mechanics; Biomechanics of swallowing

Joined the College of Engineering in 2011
Current Courses: Biotransport; Cell & Material Interactions
Present Research Interests: Wound healing, skin tissue engineering, microvessel formation in engineered skin; Multiscale biomechanics of native and engineered tissues; Image-based multiscale modeling of tissue mechanics; Mechanobiology of growth and remodeling processes in engineered tissues; Microscopy and image analysis techniques

Joined the College of Engineering in 2008
Current Courses: Artificial Organ & Circulatory Implants Design; Biomedical Engineering Senior Design
Present Research Interests: Computational techniques for fluid-structure interactions, multiscale modeling of biological phenomena; Coronary blood flow and heart valve dynamics; Cardiovascular implant design and analysis; Dynamics of red blood cells and hemolysis; Vocal cord dynamics

Joined the College of Engineering in 2000
Current Courses: Cell Biology for Engineers; Systems, Instrumentation & Data Acquisition; Seminar in Biomedical Engineering
Present Research Interests: Live cell imaging techniques; Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of living systems; Reaction-diffusion models of biochemical reaction pathways in living cells; Radiation biology; Cell cycle regulation

Joined the College of Engineering in 2015
Current Courses: Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics; Biomaterials & Biomechanics
Present Research Interests: Image-based modeling, 3D reconstruction without surface meshes, image morphing and optical flow, level set methods; Computational and experimental fluid dynamics techniques; Cardiovascular mechanics and hemodynamics; Bio-inspired design; Energy systems