CBIG pictures

April 2018: CBIG members and alumni @ ISBI 2018; we missed Yue Hu in the picture. 

March 2018: Prof. Jacob with his academic parents and siblings(Michael Unsers 60th birthday)

Dec 2017: Graduation of Dr. Cui Chen, PhD. 

April 2017: Iowa MRI groups and alumni @ ISMRM, Hawaii

July 2016: After Gregs PhD defense

June 2016; Gordon Research Conference

March 2016; Sajans Best Thesis Award

CBIG group dinner; Dec 2015

Iowa folks at Sedona, ISMRM Data Recon Workshop, 2015












Fall 2014

Yue Hu's graduation party: Sept 2013











CBIG lab at Rochester: Dec 2009

CBIG Lab, December 2008, Rochester