Chen Cui


PhD Candidate

The University of Iowa

Office : Room-4313, ECE Dept, Seamans Center, The University of Iowa, US





Academic Background

  • 2010 - present : PhD candidate. Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Iowa (USA)
  • 2006 - 2010: B.Engr. Dept of Technical Physics, Xidian University (China)

Research Interests

MR Image Reconstruction and Analysis, Graph Algorithm, MR spectroscopic imaging.



  • Chen, C, Abhay S, Xiaodong W, Mathews J. "A novel method for Rapid 3D fat and water decomposition using a GlObally Optimal multi-surface Estimation (R-GOOSE)", In Proceedings of ISMRMHonolulu, USA, 2017accepted. 
  • Chen, C, Abhay S, Xiaodong W, Mathews J. “A fast fat-water decomposition method using 3D non-Euclidean graph search with global optimality”, In Proceedings of ISMRM, Singapore, 2016.
  • C. CuiX. Wu, J. Newell, M.Jacob. "3D GlObally Optimal Surface Estimation (3D-GOOSE) algorithm for fat and water separation ", In Proceedings of ISMRM, Milan, Italy, 2014. 
  • Chen C, Xiaodong W, Milan S, Mathews J. “Water/fat decomposition using globally optimal non-iterative graph surface estimation”, In Proceedings of ISMRM, Salt Lake City, USA, 2013.

Honors and Awards 

  • Seashore and Ballard Dissertation Fellowships, Graduate College, University of Iowa, 2017
  • Recipient of ISMRM Education Stipend Award at Milan in 2014
  • 2nd Plance of 2012 ISMRM Challenge at Salt Lake City (Team name: KongfuPanda)