Sampurna Biswas
Research scientist
Milpitas, CA
PhD (2013-2018), University of Iowa
Research interest: Machine learning, Compressed sensing; linear inverse problems in dynamic image recovery
- Integrating deep learned priors in model based optimization for free breathing, ungated, undersampled, dynamic cardiac image reconstruction on TensorFlow.
- Recovery of structured signals with missing data by devising supervised signal decomposition and deriving performance guarantees. Optimized MR acquisition & reconstruction techniques, specifically in CINE, myocardial perfusion & brain parametric mapping MRI, using model based compressed sensing techniques
- Image series (MRI to CT) synthesis using deep learning techniques on Lasagne/ Theano platform.
Integrating patient specific and population geenric priors for accelerated free breathing MR recovery In my current research, I am working on integrating model based and learn-able priors in real time reconstruction of accelerated free breathing, un-gated undersampled, dynamic cardiac MR image reconstruction on TensorFlow platform, on the UIowa HPC system. |
Image series (MRI to CT) synthesis using deep learning techniques on Lasagne/ Theano platform: Siemens internship 2017 Results and codes on medical imaging data are owned by Siemens Medical solutions proprietary. (a) Original CT (b-c) competing methods (d) proposed
Convex Recovery of Continuous Domain Piecewise Constant Images From Nonuniform Fourier Samples In a joint work with Dr. Greg Ongie, we devised performance guarantees on convex low rank recovery of piece-wise constant images with non-uniform Fourier measurements, pertaining to the MRI setting. |
Study the spark of samples of Fourier (DFT) matrices for sparse recovery Suppose W_N represents NXN Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) matrix. Then what are the coprime conditions that help us choose L rows of the DFT matrix s.t its spark equals the maximum possible value i.e L+1 ?Here, spark is the smallest number of linearly dependent columns in the matrix. |
- S. Biswas, H. Aggarwal, M. Jacob, "Dynamic MRI using model-based deep learning and STORM priors: MoDL_SToRM", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2019
- G. Ongie, S. Biswas, M. Jacob, "Convex Recovery of Continuous Domain Piecewise Constant Images From Nonuniform Fourier Samples", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (1), 236 - 250, 2017.
- S. Biswas, S. Dasgupta, R. Mudumbai, M. Jacob, "Subspace Aware Recovery of Low Rank and Jointly Sparse Signals", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 3 (1), 22-35, 2016
- H. Achanta, S. Biswas, M. Jacob, S. Dasgupta, R. Mudumbai, "The spark of Fourier matrices: Connections to vanishing sums and coprimeness", Digital Singal Processing, 61, 76-85, 2017.
- S. Biswas, H.K. Aggarwal, S. Poddar, and M. Jacob, "Model-based free-breathing cardiac MRI reconstruction using deep learned & STORM priors: MoDL-STORM", accepted in ICASSP 2018.
- G. Ongie, S. Biswas, M. Jacob, "Structured matrix recovery of piecewise constant signals with performance guarantees", ICIP 2016, Phoenix.
- S. Biswas, S. Dasgupta, M. Jacob, R. Mudumbai, "Spark under 2 D Fourier Sampling", EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015.
- S. Biswas, S. Poddar, S. Dasgupta, R. Mudumbai, M. Jacob. "Two step recovery of jointly sparse and low-rank matrices: theoretical guarantees", ISBI 2015, New York City.
- H. Achanta, S Biswas, S. Dasgupta, M. Jacob, B. Dasgupta, R. Mudumbai. ”Coprime conditions for Fourier sampling for sparse recovery” Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), IEEE, 2014.
- Recipient of Best Graduate poster Award for the engineering research open house 2018, under the Iowa Institute of Biomedical Imaging category.
- Recipient of the trainee stipend award for attending the ISMRM workshop on machine learning, 2018.
- Recipient of Graduate College Post-Comprehensive research Award for Fall of 2017.
- Recipient of NIH travel award for attending ISBI 2015.
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