

  1. Deep SLR: Calibrationless parallel MRI using deep structured low-rank regularization
  2. J-MODL: Learning of Sampling Patterns in MRI
  3. MoDL-MUSSELS: Model-based deep learning for Multi-shot Sensitivity Encoded Diffusion MRI.
  4. SPIRAL-STORM: Navigator/Navigator-less based implementation of SPIRAL-STORM
  5. MoDL: Model based deep learning implementation in TensorFlow
  6. l2-SToRM: Dynamic MRI using smooThness regularization on manifolds 
  7. k-t SLR: Accelerated dynamic MRI using low rank and sparse penalties
  8. HDTV: Higher degree total variation regularization
  9. Generalized HDTV : Fast implementation of HDTV regularization for 3D inverse problems 
  10. Optimized NUFFT:  Non-uniform fast Fourier transfor for nonCartesian MRI
  11. BCS/Blind CS: Blind compressed sensing dynamic MRI 
  12. GOOSE: GlObally Optimal Surface Estimation for fat water decomposition 
  13. (DC-CS): Deformation corrected compressed sensing dynamic MRI
  14. PatchReg: Iterative Shrinkage Algorithm for Patch-Smoothness MRI
  15. PRICE: Patch Regularization for Implicit motion CompEnsation 
  16. Superresolution Image recovery: Extension of FRI algorithms to multidimensional setting
  17. GIRAF: Generic Iterative Reweighted Annilating Filter recovery 
  18. R-GOOSE: Rapid GlObally Optimal Surface Estimation for fat water decomposition 

Java and ImageJ software

  1. SteerableJ: Steerable Feature Detection